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Overview of the ACA Reporting Requirements

In this webinar Stacy H. Barrow, Esq. provides an overview of ACA reporting requirements that are applicable for both large employers and self-insured plans. Stacy will review the various reporting forms (1094-B, 1095-B, 1094-C, and 1095-C), indicator codes and affordability safe harbors. Other topics covered in this webinar include how to report for waiting periods / initial measurement periods, COBRA participants and post-employment coverage, and how to correct reporting mistakes. Stacy will also address common questions and provide best practices.

Key takeaways include:
1. How to complete the reporting forms;
2. Which indicator codes and safe harbors apply to various employment situations (e.g., waiting periods, changes in cost, changes in employment status);
3. How to address other situations, such as opt-out payments, union employees, and conditional offers of coverage to spouses.

Marketing ROI: What’s Your Strategy?

Join Glenn Smith of World Synergy for a special marketing strategy webinar that will help you in Identifying your customer, recognizing your added value, or value proposition, develop a marketing roadmap with checkpoints to evaluate successes and misses. Glenn reinforces the importance of an eStrategy process and tracking your resources with an attribution model.

HIPAA Privacy & Security Overview

This webinar should be attended by employers with self-insured plans or those with fully insured plans that create, maintain, or receive PHI under HIPAA. Join Stacy H. Barrow, Esq. for an overview of HIPAA's Privacy and Security Rules. During this webinar Stacy will review the different types of entities subject to HIPAA, take an in-depth look at Protected Health Information (PHI), individual rights under HIPAA, and what to do when there is a breach of PHI.

Key takeaways include:
1. Understanding which entities and types of plans are subject to HIPAA's Privacy rule;
2. Understanding which information is protected under HIPAA;
3. Learn the permitted uses and disclosures of PHI under HIPAA.

Personalized Medicine

Personalized medicine has become an important driver of costs and risk for employer-sponsored health plans. New personalized medicine diagnostic and treatment procedures are entering the market quickly. These procedures have significant implications for budgeting and stop-loss pricing in self-funded plans, and for renewal pricing in fully-insured plans.

In this Webinar, Dr. Bruce Campbell will review:
1. The background for personalized medicine;
2. The cost impact of new and commonly used personalized medicine technology;
3. The personalized medicine technology pipeline;
4. Ethical issues surrounding coverage, financing, and use of this technology; and,
5. Current options for managing costs and ensuring appropriate use of these procedures.

After this webinar, employers will have a better understanding of personalized medicine use, the new technology release schedule, and issues surrounding the financing, use, and benefits of this new technology.

Working With Your Independent Stop Loss Carrier To Control Costs

This session will take a hard look at various cost containment strategies available to control your self-funded plan’s current and future Medical/Rx costs. We will discuss how you can integrate your Captive stop loss carrier’s recommendations at renewal. • Is there such a thing as optimal plan design? • Benefits of using data analytics throughout the plan year. • How many cost containment levers can we pull?

Answers to these and many other questions will be explored.

Data Transfer Security

This webinar is not eligible for continuing education credits.

We live and work in a rapidly growing hostile and dangerous digital environment. Cyber security is no longer just a concern for big business: Almost half of all cyber-attacks now target small businesses. There are things that you can and should to be doing to protect your business from attack resulting in a crippling loss.

In this session you will learn about CIA (it is not what you think!) and get tips on the most important actions you can take to defend your business, customers and employees.

How to Prepare For A Dol Audit

During this webinar, Stacy H. Barrow, BAN’s Director of Compliance, will provide attendees with tips for surviving a Department of Labor (DOL) audit, including an overview of what to expect during a DOL audit, how the DOL audits, and what the DOL looks for during a group health plan audit.

Takeaways include:
1. An understanding of how employers/plans get selected for audit;
2. Insight into the audit process and what to expect when the DOL comes knocking;
3. Best practices for audit survival, including which documents to have ready for review.

Marketing With Voice & Video In Today’s World

In today’s world where content is king, voice and video are the crown jewels of reach and effectiveness. It is how the future of content will be distributed and consumed.

Learn how to use Voice and Video in the journey of recruiting and maintaining your:
• Customers and prospective customers, creating a client base that works for you, your employees, and your organization;
• Employees and prospective employees, enabling you to advance your organization with a loyal and enthusiastic workforce.

Lead Your Employees To Health

Join Nancy DeGroff, BAN’s Lead2Health Director, for a session on how to become a healthcare warrior for your employees, enabling them to:
• Use healthcare more efficiently;
• Make better decisions around cost & quality by sharing easy-to-use tools; and • Eliminate wasteful spending.

Employers will learn first-hand how to engage their employees to create outstanding results for the utilization of benefits and services provided to them.

Medical Costs: Drivers & Interventions

New research has identified diagnoses and treatments that have the most important impact on cost and forward risk. Understanding these cost/risk drivers will allow plan sponsors to focus on actions that will have the greatest cost control and risk mitigation impacts.

In this webinar, Dr. Bruce Campbell will review:
- New information about diagnoses and procedures with the greatest impact on cost/risk;
- Use of gaps in care and risk measures to identify cohorts or members at high risk;
- Prioritizing cohorts and/or members for plan-wide or individual intervention; and,
- Practical action steps to control cost and mitigate risk in these cohorts.

ACA Update: What’s New With The ACA?

In this informative webinar Stacy H. Barrow, Esq., BAN’s Director of Compliance, provides an overview of the Affordable Care Act, including top compliance issues in 2019, new legal and regulatory updates in employee benefits, and a look at recent court cases of interest.

Takeaways include:
1. An understanding of the top benefits issues in 2019
2. A better understanding of new legal and regulatory issues
3. Insight into relevant court cases

How To Solve The Biggest HR Tech Problems

HR Technology can be used during the entire employee lifecycle, from candidate to COBRA, to pinpoint and fix the gaps. Josh Hoover will explain how using communication, automation, and integration can help.
Find out how:
• Effective communications can help with expectation management, relationship building, and relationship strengthening to build a better employee experience;
• Efficient automation can build on these communications for easier use, freeing up time for more strategic tasks and manual knowledge work;
• Non-automated tasks can be integrated with a more robust platform, and how to explore the possibilities & limitations to find programs that work for you.