Insurance Captives: Hilb’s InCap® Success Story

Man Demonstrating How Insurance Captives Make a Difference

Companies are constantly seeking innovative solutions to manage risks effectively. One such groundbreaking initiative that has gained significant traction over the past decade is InCap, the self-funded captive insurance plan offered by Hilb Group. InCap’s success story can be attributed to its consistent profit-sharing model, flexible control of benefits plans, stability in rates, and a commitment to data transparency.

Insurance Captives – Consistent Profit Sharing

One of the key factors driving InCap’s rapid growth is its unique profit-sharing approach. Over the past ten years, InCap has consistently shared profits at an impressive rate of 10% and beyond. This profit-sharing model not only attracts businesses but also fosters a sense of partnership between InCap and its clients. As organizations witness tangible returns on their investments, they are more likely to stay committed to the self-funded insurance captives.

Flexible Control of Benefits Plans

InCap stands out in the market by offering unparalleled flexibility in benefits plans. Unlike traditional insurance models that may impose rigid structures, insurance captives like InCap empower businesses to tailor their benefits plans to align with their specific needs and employee demographics. This flexibility ensures that organizations can address the unique requirements of their workforce, ultimately enhancing employee satisfaction and retention.

Stability with No Sudden Rate Increases

One of the frustrations often faced by businesses in the insurance sector is the unpredictability of rate increases. InCap takes a proactive stance in this regard, providing stability to its clients by avoiding sudden and unexpected rate hikes. This predictability allows businesses to plan their budgets more effectively and eliminates the unpleasant surprises that can often accompany traditional insurance arrangements.

Insurance Captives Offer Data Transparency

In an era where data is king, InCap has recognized the importance of transparency. Clients of InCap have access to comprehensive data insights that enable them to make informed decisions about their insurance captives strategies. This transparency not only builds trust but also empowers businesses to optimize their risk management approaches based on real-time data.

Connect with an InCap Expert Today!

InCap, Hilb Group’s self-funded answer to insurance captives, has not just survived but thrived in a dynamic and competitive industry. The consistent profit-sharing model, flexibility in benefits plans, stability in rates, and a commitment to data transparency have been the driving forces behind InCap’s remarkable success. As businesses continue to seek innovative and reliable solutions for their insurance needs, InCap stands as a shining example of how a forward-thinking approach can redefine the landscape of risk management.