The Most Stable Captive Program

InCap Captive Program Health Care Plan - Person Walking Up Steps

Hilb’s InCap® health care captive is the most stable and secure captive program a business can choose. It’s a proven, cost-saving opportunity that offers a wide range of solutions. Just one of the many benefits includes extra cash flow and plan flexibility for your company. Learn how you can make more money and open new doors for your business with our InCap health care captive program.

What is Hilb’s Captive Program?

Hilb’s InCap health care program utilizes a group of mid-sized employers (50 to 2,000 enrolled) working together to secure better insurance rates and coverage plans. Your business can save money this way by mitigating your risk with a large pool of participants. This is a great alternative to paying a fixed premium to an insurance company that assumes the risk. That’s how traditional plans work, where the insurance company keeps the surplus that is not spent every year.

Save More Money

Consider these statistics to understand the InCap health care captive and how much money you can expect to save as a member of our captive insurance solution. Through InCap, members can see an annual 9.2% average profit distribution. In 2021 alone, we distributed more than $20 million of unspent captive premium pro-rata.  The sooner you join our captive program, the more money you will save!

Control Over Your Benefits

InCap gives you control over your benefit plan design. This way, you do not have to compromise on the quality of your benefits! After switching to a self-insured captive insurance plan, previously fully-funded companies can typically save 12% – 15% in the first year alone. Why not give it a try?

What Makes our Captive Program Unique?

InCap members also enjoy the fact that there is more plan transparency with our health care captive program than there is with fully insured plans. We pride ourselves on our open communication and member rapport. Our members can also benefit from wellness strategies incorporated for both employers and employees. Since the beginning, InCap has totaled $60 million in total claims cost savings compared to staying with their fully-insured plans. Our captive solution clients received 17% in profit shares of unspent captive premium dollars for 2020 and 2021 and an astonishing 27% in 2022. Additionally, we’ve distributed an average per year of $550K in PBM rebates.

Contact Us

Have you received a higher increase than anticipated? Request a quote and find out what your expected costs could be. Now that you have a better understanding of how InCap can work for you, let’s see if InCap is a good fit for your company. Reach out to schedule a meeting to find out how to receive low rates, no frustrating negotiations, and guaranteed money-back. Contact our helpful team to start today.