Technology to Empower a Remote Workforce

Work from Home Technology to Empower Remote Work - Worker in Front of 2 Computer Screens

There are a lot of things to consider when deciding if a remote workforce is ideal for your company. Besides the basics covered in Operating A Remote Workforce, you should also consider if you have the technology to sustain your remote team. The appropriate work-from-home technology is essential for remote workers to succeed, which includes reliable internet to a robust IT team.

Work from Home Technology: Internet and Security

A steady internet connection is just the tip of the iceberg for reliable technology to work from home. You should identify the minimum internet speed required for your employees to work effectively. Moreover, we advise that you communicate that to employees before they join the company. Your company should also consider what kind of device employees will be using and how you will manage security. The recommendation is that employees use company issued laptops, tablets, and cell phones versus personal ones with company server access. While this can be an investment for your business, using personal equipment can open your company up to a variety of security issues including putting your proprietary processes at risk or your clients’ information. You should have an IT professional set up a secure connection from the employee’s home to your company network. Cloud storage or a VPN might be suitable so remote workers can access important files. 

Remote Work Technology: Communication Services

 In addition to internet and security, you should also consider having standard communication software or messaging services such as Zoom, Google Meet, Go-To-Meeting or Teams. This technology will allow for easier communication between employees and leadership while also offering streamlined collaborative opportunities. Moreover, working with technologies and communication services can allow companies to work in real-time with individuals from all over the world, allowing for a larger global perspective. Companies should not overlook the opportunity because it often propels innovation, collaboration, and expanded point of views. 

Work from Home Technology: IT Support

Finally, you should consider what tech support you plan to offer remote employees and if you have the necessary infrastructure to sustain it. To start, employees need to be aware of how to troubleshoot problems. They should also be aware of what to do if the internet connection goes down. You should also consider having a protocol in place to streamline information to an IT team in an efficient manner. For example, by having a robust IT team and using a ticket system, you can ensure employees are taking the necessary steps to correct any IT issues in an organized fashion. Your IT team should also ensure that all employee devices including laptops, tablets, and/or desktops are protected from intrusion. We recommend setting up two-factor authorization for all computers and programs.

For more information, download our “Best Practices for Managing a Remote Workforce” white paper to nurture a successful remote workforce today! Contact us if you have any questions.